Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Best of 2011

2011 brought a range of photographic opportunities for me, from the very large . . .

to the very small . . .

strange . . .

and simple . . .

abstract . . .

and literal . . .

machines . . .

monuments . . .

and moments of joy . . .

pain . . .

peace . . .

and awe . . .

each beautiful in its own way.

You can see them all (and more) in four “Best of 2011” galleries at my Hastings Street Photography website by clicking here.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

In Praise of Patience

All things come to those who wait.  -- Proverb

This morning’s sky didn’t seem too promising:  two bands of low clouds, the lower blocking where the sun would be on the horizon.  Lots of blue-gray; no chance for color.


When the sky is boring, I look for other things to shoot, such as light on the water:


or ice along the edge of the water:


And if I’m really bored, I’ll toss small rocks into the water and shoot the interplay of light and ripples:


In the meantime, as you can see from the image above, a few small clouds had begun to appear higher in the sky:


Eventually, 12 minutes after official sunrise, the sun rose high enough to light up the gap between the two bands of clouds:


And then, suddenly, when the sun shone through the gap between the two bands, the whole scene came together dramatically.

