Sunday, January 15, 2012

December Images

December skies at Cutler Park continued the same pattern that has been in place since September:  either the skies were cloudy (as they were on December 18) . . .

Or they were perfectly clear (as they were on December 22, the Winter Solstice) . . .

Or, sometimes, they were both (as they were on December 4) when the sky went from clear . . .

To covered only 37 minutes later . . .

But the varying conditions provided interesting patterns on the water . . .

And beautiful light in the woods along the trail . . .

You can see these and other images at my website by clicking here.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Mexico in Winter

We spent the week between Christmas and New Year’s at our house in Corrales, New Mexico, just outside of Albuquerque.  The weather was almost totally clear, so no spectacular sunrises or sunsets, just beautiful glows on the horizon:

But we took a few day trips around the area and saw some old mission ruins . . .

Some picturesque churches . . .

Some funky restaurants . . .

And some beautiful land- and sky-scapes . . .

You can see more at my photography website here.